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Oh come on placemats instead of a valance?

WHAT???? Yup, thats right, little miss frugal myrtle here uses placemats as a window valance. I have been doing this for so many years I am not sure I could stop. lol. I have done this in the bathrooms and kitchen of my home but you certainly could use in any room where you want just a valance hung.

One day over 10 years ago I had some placemats on my kitchen table that I no longer wanted on the table. But they were so cute and still in such good shape so I thought long and hard and BAM it hit me! Use them on the small kitchen window above the sink.

Well I did that right away and had them up there for many years but since then have moved these to the bathroom.

I have top down bottom up blinds in there so the light is always coming through at the top so I wanted something still small and sheer enough so the light would still shine through and these were the perfect solution. You just fold them over the rod and that is it.

I mean how cute is that!!!! I love the design and texture of these and best of all the price! Plus, anyone that knows me I love anything wood! But wow, what a great way to get many uses out of one simple little thing, right?!

Because I could not stop there I had to also do another bathroom in my home and here is another set of recycled placemats.

Same thing here I just folded them over the rod and stack three in a row and there ya go another adorable window treatment. These are stacked on top of each other for a little more dimension and to fit the window nicely. So you certainly can play with them on your window as to what you like best.

But just think of how many options of placemats are available in the stores. I have had both of these for over 10 years so time for a change pretty soon and I am pretty sure I will be using placemats again. Especially if I wait for a sale it is so inexpensive and so different than what everyone else has. Right?! I have seen some cute floral scalloped ones and oh I bet they would look adorable up there too. When I replace mine I will be sure to share what I got. But for now, I will continue to enjoy them since they are so cute!

How about we switch gears now for a cute love story!

Grab a cup of coffee and I hope you enjoy this TRUE love story!

So, there was this girl some 41 years ago who was a freshman in high school. She rode the bus home every day from Milwaukee Lutheran High School, and this boy, a Senior, somehow got behind the bus everyday while driving his (really cool) roadrunner car. Yup, he didn’t drive mamma’s car but his own that he bought and worked so hard for.

Well, through the windows they smiled at each other for weeks on end that led into months. When one day they met each other in the hall at school. Now mind you this young man was as shy and bashful as they come. He could barely look the girl in the eye. The girl was much more outgoing and talkative so she would get the conversation going. Somehow, this went on for many months when one day the boy bought the girl a heart jade necklace for her birthday and it had a #1 charm hanging from it. From that day on they started dating.

But oh, so secretively because the girls parents would not allow her to be with a senior. Plus, he had longer hair and his car gave them the impression he was a “bad boy” which quit the contrary this young man was so sweet, kind, loving, caring, so very honest and was very strong in his faith.

The boy sold his roadrunner car and then bought a 70-dodge challenger, always with his own hard-earned money. The following of the bus continued through the school year. The two were feeling “in love” and fought hard against the girls parents to be together.

Five years later on May 15th, 1982 the two married.

The girls parents were now accepting and realized it was love and they, too, fell in love with this young man because he treated their daughter exactly what every parent wants. They realized he was everything she described him to be and was a hardworking amazing man and he made her happier than anyone could. His parents always loved the girl from the day they met and was thrilled to have her be their daughter-in-law.

So here we are 36 years later and that young girl, ME, and my amazing hubs, Rick, are celebrating 36 years of marriage today and the best 36 years of our life. I can honestly say the thought of ever losing him is not a place I could go.

I thought I loved him so much back then but oh boy it is nothing compared to now. He is by far the very best thing that ever happened to me. We were truly gifted and blessed with 3 beautiful, awesome, hardworking, successful daughters who grew our family to 3 wonderful son-in-law’s, and 3 beautiful grandchildren (so far).

So, hats off to us and moral of the story, when you fall in love do what it takes to STAY THAT WAY. With work, it can be as beautiful as it was from day one on into a lifetime.

Side note…..that challenger he bought back then is still in our garage but all torn apart as he is “tinkering” on it and one day he will be driving it again. As he says, he hangs on to his prize processions his wife and car. 😊 Glad they are in that order, lol. 💕❤

If you read this blog post to the end, thank you! I hope it gave you some decorating inspiration and also a smile to hear our love story!

Have a great day my friends!

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Janean

    Happy Anniversary! Cute love story, too.

  2. Sue

    Great idea with the placemats/valances! I’ll be on the hunt for wood placemats now! 🙂 Thank u!
    Ever greater love story, thanks for sharing and a very Happy Anniversary to the 2 of you!

    1. Tammy

      Thank you Sue and yes the wood ones are so adorable! Good Luck!

  3. Pamela J Kupfer

    Happy Anniversary! Loved your story.

    1. Tammy

      Thank you Pam, glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Anonymous

    Hi Tammy – do you think for the wooden valance do you think they could be painted?

    1. Tammy

      Absolutely! If they are all wood you can paint to match your decor. I just wanted mine stained because it was more rustic which is the look I was going for.

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